Friday, September 14, 2007

Tummy troubles

So, those of you who know me well know that I have been having tummy troubles since my teens. I have tried cutting out various food groups and while I have had minimal success, the problem still remains. I was inspired recently to go see a Naturopath about my ongoing battle with the lining of my stomach. At this point I am willing to try just about anything to get this little problem fixed. After very expensive treatments and blood work, I am now drinking a revolting sludge every morning that consists of flax seeds, fish oils, probiotics, and acidophilus. I am also off wheat and dairy for now. As a person who subsists on bread and cheese, I am finding this extremely difficult. I have lost 5 pounds in the last week and am feeling ravenous most of the time.

A few tips on how to get along with me over the next few weeks:

-hide any pastries you happen to be eating when I approach
-don't say "cheese", and please please please don't mention the word "fondue"
-don't tell me I'm looking too thin
-don't tell me there are "great dairy alternatives"
-don't ask me why I'm not eating your meal
-don't tell me all about the things you are allergic to
-don't relay your favourite colonoscopy stories to me

If you really love me, you will give me sympathy and then cook me something delectable that I can eat.

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