Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Never thought I'd be a blogger

Well, here it is. My first blog. You might all think I'm a little dim, but I really didn't think I'd be able to set this up on my own. Well, I did! And it's pink! Life doesn't get much better than this.

Why a blog? I decided that instead of sending out group emails to tell my loved ones about my family's latest achievements and bodily functions, I would post the information for all to see. Why should only a select few learn about poop on the floor and runny noses?

So, I've given in to the peer pressure and am ready to regularly share the most interesting and intimate details of my little life. Grab a kleenex box, folks, this is going to be a tear-jerker . . .


RockyDil said...

First post on a virgin blog!! (Heh heh.) Welcome to the scene.

Peter Tyrrell said...

Truly I am weeping already. From this open sore on the inside of my leg. Where I was shot. By alien replicons from beyond the moon. Ooh. Aah. Walla-walla-bing-bang.

Sir Edward Tyrrell said...

Hey! Way to go. I too have a blog. What am I going to use it for? Don't know. We'll see.

I'll be announcing my blogspot address soon.